After much consideration and internal debate, I have decided to stop writing Fen's Thoughts here on blogspot and to move the discussion over to Facebook. This post will be the last one that I publish here. From this point forward, I will publish Fen's Thoughts on it's own Facebook page as notes that will start with #155.
I want to thank each of your for stopping by and visiting the blog here. I sincerely appreciate it. I hope that as I have shared my thoughts and my journey over the past 2 years or so, that it has caused you to think or reflect every now and again on your own life, your own journey, or your own understadning of leadership.
Fen's Thoughts has been a very nice companion for me over the years. Sometimes it has been a well reasoned argument from someone trying to match the reality to the rhetoric, and sometimes it has been the petulant rantings of someone looking to blame the world for his life, his choices, and his circumstances. Regardless of what showed up here each week, the time spent typing and thinking and considering was well-spent. I enjoyed the solitude and the opportunity to think and form an idea and then build it and share it with others.
And that is another reason that I am moving it to Facebook. The format here never really did foster the discussion that I had hoped it would. The place for people to come and share ideas and thoughts and understandings. Something we could all grow from in some small way. The Fen's Thoughts Facebook page is already doing that.
So, it is time for my good friend and trusty companion of the last 2-plus years to part ways here. We have come to a fork in the road. And finally, and with a heartful of gratitude for everything these pages have provided me, it is time to shut this down and move the dicussion in new direction. Looking forward to Chapter 2......